"All I have ever done with music was to depict various emotions in an organized and coherent musical language, sometimes very dark emotions...but also happiness, health, certain types of ecstasy, etc. I achieved this especially in the song, "Sun Gonna Shine in My Back Door Someday..., a piece which is bitonal, a la Bartok, Ives and others, but is also played ragtime-guitar style, a la Mississippi John Hurt and others."

from The Legend of Blind Joe Death
Notes on the Songs

Original Liner Notes

Reissue Notes

Album Art


A Poem by Kate Bush

Recorded at St. Michael's and All Angels Church in Adelphi, Maryland.
¤ DDD 5

On Doing An Evil Deed Blues real audio
1959 [4.30], 1963 [5:07], 1967 [3:56]

St. Louis Blues
1963 [4:53], 1967 [3:15]

Poor Boy Long Ways From Home real audio
1963 [3:12], 1967 [2:23]

Uncloudy Day
1963 [3:23], 1967 [2:22]

John Henry
1963 [3:20], 1967 [2:05]

In Christ There Is No East Or West
1959 [2.40], 1963 [2:21], 1967 [2:43]

The Transcendental Waterfall real audio
1959 [6:25], 1964 [10.35]

Desperate Man Blues
1959 [4.02], 1963 [4:05], 1967 [3:58]

Sun Gonna Shine In My Back Door Someday Blues real audio
1959 [3:32], 1967 [4:36]

Sligo River Blues
1963 [3:05], 1967 [2:33]

West Coast Blues
1959, [3.06],1964, [1:25]

I'm Gonna Do All I Can For My Lord
1967 [1:34]
¥ Added to BJD in 1967, and subsequent editions.

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