- 101 Is a Hard Road to Travel, Transfiguration of Blind
Joe Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973), Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
- 900 Miles, John Fahey Guitar, Vol. 4, Takoma C-1008, (1967)
Aa - Az
- Ach Du Lieber Augustine, The John Fahey Christmas
Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004,
- Adestes Fideles, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Varrick 002, (1982)
- A Drunken Tale To Hide, The John Fahey Trio,
One Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Afternoon Espee Through Salem,Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie 6005, (1992)
- After the Ball, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- A History of Tokyo Rail Traction, Hitomi, LivHouse Records 70334, (2000)
- All Through the Night, Yes! Jesus Loves Me,
Takoma 72820 (1980)
- Amazing Grace, America, Fantasy
TAK 8903, (1998)
- America, Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military
Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1963/67)
America, Fantasy TAK-8903, (1998)
- American Folk Hymn, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- A Minor Blues, I Remember Blind Joe Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Ananaias, Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
- Angels From The Realm Of Glory, The John Fahey
Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside
BCA-0004, (1991)
- Angels We Have Heard On High, The New Possibility, John
Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma 72720,
Also Christmas with John Fahey, Vol. 2,
Takoma C7045 (1980)
- Ann Arbor, John Fahey Visits Washington DC,
Takoma 7069 (1979)
- Apple Blossom Time, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick VR-012 (1983)
- Approaching of the Disco Void, The, Live in
Tasmania, Sonet 861, (1981); Takoma 72789,
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Are You From Dixie?, I Remember Blind Joe Death,
Varrick 028, (1987)
- A Rose and A Baby Ruth, Old Girlfriends and Other
Horrible Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Assassination of Stephan Grossman, The, Old Fashioned
Love, C1043, (1975)
- Atlantic High, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- At the Name of Jesus, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Auld Lang Syne, The New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli
Christmas, Takoma 72720, (1968)
Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Varrick 002,
- Away In The Manger, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1,
Varrick 002 (1982)
Index Ba - Bz
- Banjo Street, Azalea City, unissued
Alternate title, Who Will Rock the
Cradle, John Fahey in Concert, Stefan
Grossman's Guitar Workshop, (1996) Also Red Rocking
Chair, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts and Other Contemporary
Dance Favorites, Table of the Elements,
- Banty Rooster Blues, Fonotone, 632
- Barbara Namkin Blues, Fonotone 1182
- Bastrop Waltz, The, Fonotone?, unissued
- Bean Vine Blues, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Beautiful Linda Getchell, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
- Bells of St. Mary, The, The New Possibility, John
Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma 72720,
Also Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Varrick 002, (1982)
- Beverley, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
Alternate title,
Indian-Pacific Railroad Blues, Live in
Tasmania Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Bicycle Built for Two, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
See Daisy, The
Dance of Death and Other Plantation Favorites
- Bill Cheatum, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Black Mommy, Let Go, Varrick 008,
- Black Swamper's Blues Part 1 & 2, Fonotone,
- Blind Blues, Fonotone, 505
- Blind Thomas Blues Part 1 and Part 2, Fonotone,
- Blind Thomas Blues Part 3 & 4, Fonotone,
- Blueberry Hill, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Boodle Am Shake, Old Fashioned Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
- Bottleneck Blues, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Brenda's Blues, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
Also The Return of the
Repressed: Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning,
Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?, unissued
- Buck Dancer's Choice, Fonotone 1182, unissued
- Bucktown Stomp, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- By the Side of the Road, Of Rivers and Religion,
Warner/Reprise, (1972)
Index Ca - Cz
- Calvert Street Blues, Fonotone?, unissued
- Candy Man, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Carol Of The Bells, Christmas with John Fahey, Vol.
2, Takoma C-7045, (1980)
Also The
New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969)
- CC Ride, Fonotone, not
- Charles A. Lee: In Memoriam, The Yellow
Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
The Best of the Vanguard Years, Vanguard,
(1999) Also The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Charley Bradley¹s Ten Sixty-Six Blues, Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
- Charlie Becker's Meditation, Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie 6005, (1992)
- Casey Jones, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Center Will Not Hold, The, The John Fahey Trio,
One Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Chelsey Silver, Please Come Home, City of
Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- Cheyenne, John Fahey Visits Washington DC, Takoma 7069, (1979)
Also The Return of the
Repressed: Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Cherry Tree Carol, The, Popular Songs of Christmas and
New Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- Chris's Rag, Fonotone, 6708
- Christ Is Born As Child Of Man, The John Fahey
Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside
BCA-0004, (1991)
- Christ Is Born On Christmas Day, The New Possibility,
John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma 72720,
Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Christ's Saints Of God Fantasy,The New Possibility,
John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma 72720,
- Christmas Fantasy, Part I, Christmas with John Fahey,
Vol. 2, Takoma 7045, (1980)
- Christmas Fantasy, Part II, The New Possibility, John
Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma 72720,
Also Christmas with John Fahey, Vol. 2,
Takoma 7045 (1980)
- Christmas Medley, Christmas With John Fahey, Vol.
2, Takoma 7045, (1980)
- Christmas Song, The,Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick VR-012 (1983)
- Christmas Time's A Coming, Popular Songs of Christmas
and New Years, Varrick VR-012 (1983)
- Christmas Time Is Here, Popular Songs of Christmas and
New Years, Varrick VR-012 (1983)
- City of Refuge I, City of Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- City of Refuge II, City of Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- Claire, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Coelacanths, Womblife, Table of
the Elements, (1997)
- Come Back Baby, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
- Come Labour On, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Come On in My Kitchen, The Epiphany of Glenn
Jones, Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Come Thou Almighty King, Yes! Jesus Loves Me,
Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Commemorative Transfiguration and Communion at Magruder Park,
The Yellow Princess, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97) Song
Index Da - Dz
- Daisy, The Dance of Death and Other Plantation
Favorites, Fantasy Reissue, (1999)
Bicycle Built For Two, The Transfiguration of Blind Joe
- Dalhart, Texas, 1967, America, Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
- Dance of the Cat People, The, Hitomi, LivHouse Records 70334, (2000)
- Dance of the Inhabitants of the Invisible City of
Bladensburg, The Yellow Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
Also The Best of the
Vanguard Years, Vanguard, (1999) Also
The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard,
- Dance of the Inhabitants of the Palace of King Phillip XIV,
Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1963/67)
Also Best of John
Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058,
(1977) Also The Return of the Repressed:
Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Dance of Death, Dance of Death & Other Plantation
Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004 (1967)
- Dark and Lonely Nights, Fonotone, 6221
- Dasein River Blues, Fonotone, 6148
- Days Have Gone By, Days Have Gone By. Vol 6,
Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- Death by Reputation, John Fahey Visits Washington
DC, Takoma 7069, (1979)
- Death of Clayton Peacock, The, Transfiguration of Blind
Joe Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK-7015, (1997)
Also God, Time and
Causality, Shanachie 97006 (1990) Also
The Return of the Repressed: Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Deck The Halls, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick, VR-012 (1983)
- Deep River, Of Rivers and Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
Also Let Go, Varrick 008, (1984)
- Delta Dog Thru the Book of Revelation, Railroad
I, Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie 6005,
- Delta Flight 53, Hitomi, LivHouse
Records 70334, (2000)
- Delta Flight 54, Hitomi, LivHouse
Records 70334, (2000)
- Despair, Hitomi, LivHouse Records
70334, (2000)
- Desperate Man Blues, Blind Joe Death, Vol. 1,
Takoma C-1002 (1959/64/67)
Also The Return
Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
(1994) Also The Legend Of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK-8901, (1996)
- Dianne Kelly, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Discovery of the Sylvia Scott, The, John Fahey Visits
Washington DC, Takoma 7069, (1979)
- Dixie Pig Bar-B-Q Blues, Of Rivers and Religion,
Warner/Reprise, (1972)
- Dorothy Gooch Part II, Azalea City, unissued
- Don't, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Downfall of the Adelphi Rolling Grist Mill, The, Death
Chants, Breakdowns & Military Waltzes, Takoma
C-1003, (1964/67)
- Do You Hear What I Here, Popular Songs of Christmas and
New Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- Dream of the Origin of the French Broad River,
Fonotone?, unissued
- Dreaming Under the B & O Trestle, Fahey/McLean,
Fonotone?, unissued
- Dry Bones in the Valley, Old Fashioned Love,
Takoma C1043, (1975)
- Dvorak, America, Fantasy TAK 8903,
Also Let Go, Varrick 008,
(1984) Song
Index Ea - Ez
- East Meets West, Hitomi, LivHouse
Records 70334, (2000)
- East Virginia, Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?, unissued
- Eels, Womblife, Table of the
Elements, (1997)
- Enigmas and Perplexities of the Norfolk and Western,
Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983);Shanachie
6005, (1992)
- Episcopal Hymn, Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military
Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1964/67)
- Evening Mysteries of Ferry Street, The, I Remember
Blind Joe Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Evening Not Night, The Double 78, Perfect CS1404, (1996)
- Evermore and Evermore (of the Father's Love Begotten),
Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Index Fa - Fz
- Faith of Our Fathers, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Fanfare, City of Refuge, Tim Kerr,
- Fare Forward Voyagers, Fare Forward Voyagers,
Takoma C1030, (1973); Shanachie
- Fear and Loathing at 4th and Butternut, Old Girlfriends
and Other Horrible Memories, Varrick 031,
- Fight On Christians, Fight On, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Finale, America, Fantasy TAK 8903,
- First Noel, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Varrick 002, (1982)
- For All the Beauty of the Earth, Yes! Jesus Loves
Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- For All the Saints, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Frisco Leaving Birmingham, Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie, (1992)
- Funeral Song for Mississippi John Hurt, Of Rivers and
Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
Live in Tasmania, Sonet 861, (1981); Takoma
72789, (1981/87) Song
Index Ga - Gz
- Gamelan Collage, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones,
Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Gamelan Guitar, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones,
Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Garbage, The Mill Pond, Little
Brother 009, (1997)
- Gaucho, I Remember Blind Joe Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Ghosts, The Mill Pond, Little
Brother 009, (1997)
- Give Me Corn Bread When I'm Hungry, Dance of Death
& Other Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma
C-1004, (1967)
Also Best of John Fahey,
1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977)
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
- Going Away to Leave You, Fonotone, 610
- Golden Vanity, The Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?,
- Good Christian Men Rejoice, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The
John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975);
Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Good King Wencesles, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1,
Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
- Go I Will Send Thee, The New Possibility, John Fahey's
Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969)
- Go Tell It on the Mountain, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
- Grand Finale, The, John Fahey Visits Washington
DC, Takoma 7069, (1979)
- Great San Bernardino Birthday Party, The, John Fahey
Guitar, Vol. 4, Takoma C-1008, (1967)
- Green Blues, Fonotone, 6220
- Green River Blues, Fonotone, 1199
- Greensleeves, The John Fahey Christmas Album,
Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Guide Me Oh Great Jehovah, Fahey/Vandiver,
Fonotone?, unissued
- Guitar Excursions into the Unknown, John Fahey Guitar,
Vol. 4, Takoma C-1008, (1967)
- Guitar Lamento, John Fahey Visits Washington DC,
Takoma 7069 (1979)
Also Georgia Stomps,
Atlanta Struts, and Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the Elements, (1998)
- Gulf Port Inland Blues, Fonotone, 506
Index Ha - Hz
- Hark The Herald Angels Sing, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
(1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Hawaiian Two-Step, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Hill High Blues, Fonotone, 612
- Hitomi, Hitomi, LivHouse Records
70334, (2000)
- Hitomi Smiles, Hitomi, LivHouse
Records 70334, (2000)
- Holly and the Ivy, The, Popular Songs of Christmas and
New Years, Varrick VR-012 (1983)
- Holy, Holy, Holy, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 7085, (1980)
- Hope of Slumbers Eternal, City of Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- Horses, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- House of the Rising Sun, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta
Struts, and Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the Elements, (1998)
- How Green Was My Valley, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Also God, Time and
Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- How Long, Dance of Death & Other Plantation
Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
Index Ia - Iz
- I Come, I Come, Of Rivers and Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
- If You Haven't Any, Fonotone, not
- I Shall Not Be Moved, Fonotone
- I'll Be Home For Christmas, Popular Songs of Christmas
and New Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- I'll See You in my Dreams, God, Time and
Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- I'm Gonna Do All I Can for My Lord, Blind Joe Death,
Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
The Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK
8901, (1996) Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977,
Takoma 7058, (1977) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- I Am the Resurrection, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
- Imitation Train Whistles, Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983)
- Impression of Susan, Days Have Gone By. Vol 6,
Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- Improv in E Minor, I Remember Blind Joe Death,
Varrick 028, (1987)
- Improvisation for Flute and Guitar, Fahey/McLean - Untitled,
Fonotone?, unissued
- In a Persian Market, Old Fashioned Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
- In Christ There Is No East or West, Blind Joe Death,
Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
The Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK
8901, (1996) Also Fahey, Kottke, Lang, Takoma TAK 1040, (1974) Also Best of John Fahey,
1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994) Also Fonotone, 1185
- Indian-Pacific R.R. Blues, Live in Tasmania,
Sonet 861, (1981); Takoma 72789,
Alternate title, Beverly, After the
- Interlude, God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1989)
- In the Bleak Midwinter, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The
John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975);
Burnside 0004, (1991)
- In the Darkest Night; Along the Sligo, Old Girlfriends
and Other Horrible Memories, Varrick 031,
- In The Pines, Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?, unissued
- In The Still of the Night, Azalea City, unissued
- Intro to Ocean Waves/Ocean Waves, Rain Forests, Oceans,
& Other Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Irish Medley, The John Fahey Christmas Album,
Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Irish Setter, The Yellow Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
Also The Best of the
Vanguard Years, Vanguard, (1999) Also
The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard,
- It Came Upon A Midnight Clear, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
(1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- I Want To Be a Christian In My Heart, Yes! Jesus Loves
Me, Takoma, (1980)
- I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to be Free, After the
Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
Index Ja - Jz
- Jaya Shiva Shankarah, Old Fashioned Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Je Ne Me Suis Reveilais Matin Pas En May, The Voice of
the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501,
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Yes! Jesus Loves
Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Jesus Gonna Make Up My Dyin' Bed, Fonotone,
- Jesus is a Dying Bedmaker, America, Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
- Jesus is a Dying Bedmaker 2, America, Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
- Jesus Won't You Come By Here, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
- Jingle Bells, Christmas with John Fahey, Vol. 2,
Takoma C-1045, (1975)
Also The John Fahey
Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside
0004, (1991)
- Joe Kirby Blues, Days Have Gone By. Vol 6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- John Henry, Blind Joe Death, Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
Also The Legend of
Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK 8901, (1996)
- John Henry Variations, Death Chants, Breakdowns &
Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1963/67)
- Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Popular Songs of Christmas
and New Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- Joy To The World, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1,
Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
- Juana, Womblife, Table of the
Elements, (1997)
Also Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts,
and Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of
the Elements, (1998)
- Juroscho Ascopi, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Just As I Am, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
Index Ka - Kz
- Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning, Old Fashioned
Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
- Knott's Berry Farm Molly, John Fahey Guitar, Vol.
4, Takoma C-1008, (1967)
Also The
Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Knoxville Blues, America, Takoma
C1030, (1971); Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
Also The Return
Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
(1994) Song
Index La - Lz
- Labbas Rag, Fonotone, 6707
- Langley Two-Step, The, Fonotone?, unissued
- Largo, The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Last Steam Engine Train, The, Dance of Death &
Other Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977)
- Lava on Waikiki, I Remember Blind Joe Death,
Varrick 028, (1987)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Layla, Let Go, Varrick 008,
Also Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Lay My Burden Down, Fonotone, 612
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Yes! Jesus Loves
Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Let Go, Let Go, Varrick 008,
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart, I Remember Blind Joe
Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Popular Songs of
Christmas and New Years, Varrick VR-012,
- Lewisdale Blues, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Like Being Reborn Again, The John Fahey Trio,
One Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Life is Like a Mountain Railway, Railroad I,
Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie, (1992)
- Lights Out, Let Go, Varrick 008,
- Little Drummer Boy, The, The John Fahey Christmas
Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004,
- Little Hat Blues, Fonotone, 6151
- Lion, The Yellow Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97) Also
God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006,
(1990) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Little Train That Couldn't, The, (See Train) The Voice
of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK
6501, (1996)
- Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
(1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Lonesome Valley, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Long Time Town Blues, Fonotone, 506
- Lord Have Mercy, Of Rivers and Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Lord, I Want to Be a Christian (in my Heart), Yes!
Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 7085, (1980)
- Lord of All Hopefullness, Yes! Jesus Loves Me,
Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Lullaby and Finake from the Firebird, Rain Forests,
Oceans, & Other Themes, Varrick 019,
Index Ma - Mz
- Maggie Campbell Blues, The Epiphany of Glenn
Jones, Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Magic Mountain, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones,
Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- March! for Martin Luther King, The Yellow
Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
The Best of the Vanguard Years, Vanguard,
(1999) Also The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Marilyn, Old Fashioned Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
Also Georgia Stomps,
Atlanta Struts, and Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the Elements, (1998)
- Mark 1:15, America, Takoma C1030,
(1971); Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
- Mary Had A Baby, The John Fahey Christmas Album,
Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- May This be Love, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Melody McBad, John Fahey Visits Washington DC,
Takoma 7069, (1979)
- Melody McOcean, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
- Mexico, John Fahey In Concert, Stefan Grossman's Guitar Workshop, (1996)
title, Juana, Womblife
- Mill Pond, The, City of Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- Mill Pond Drowns, The, The Mill Pond, Little Brother 009, (1997)
- Minutes Seem Like Hours, The Hours Seem Like Days, The,
I Remember Blind Joe Death, Varrick 028,
- Mississippi Boweavil Blues, Fonotone, 1199
- Mood Indigo, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and Other
Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
- More Nothing, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones, Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Morning, The Double 78, Perfect
CS1404, (1996)
- Motherless Child (Var. # 3), Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
- My Grandfather's Clock, Days Have Gone By, Vol
6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- My Prayer, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and Other
Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
Also Azalea City, unissued
- My Shepherd Will Supply My Needs, Days Have Gone By.
Vol 6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- My Station Will Be Changed After While, Transfiguration
of Blind Joe Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma
R-9015, (1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Index Na - Nz
- New Orleans Shuffle, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- Nightmare, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and Other
Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
- Nightmare/Summertime, I Remember Blind Joe
Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Night Train of Valhalla, Days Have Gone By. Vol
6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
Also The
Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Nine Pound Hammer, The Voice of the Turtle,
Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Nobody's Business, Fonotone, 636
- Nothing, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones, Thirsty Ear, (1997)
Index Oa - Oz
- O Come All Ye Faithful, The New Possibility, John
Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969) Also
Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1, Takoma 72745;
Varrick 002, (1982)
- O'Come Little Children, The John Fahey Christmas
Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004,
- Of the Father's Love Begotten, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Takoma 72745; Varrick 002, (1982)
- Oh Christmas Tree, Christmas with John Fahey, Vol.
2, Takoma C-1045, (1975)
- Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel, Yes! Jesus Loves Me,
Takoma 72820, (1980)
Also John Fahey
Guitar, Vol. 4, Takoma C-1008 (1967)
- O' Little Town of Bethlehem, The John Fahey Christmas
Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004,
- Oh Holy Night (O Holy Night), Christmas with John
Fahey, Vol. 2, Takoma C-1045, (1975)
The New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas
Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004,
- Oh Tannenbaum, The New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli
Christmas, Takoma, (1969)
Christmas with John Fahey, Vol.2, Takoma
- Old Country Rock, Let Go, Varrick
008, (1984)
Also Fonotone, 6151
- Old Fashioned Love, Old Fashioned Love, Takoma C1043, (1975)
- Ol' Man River, Of Rivers and Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
Also Let Go, Varrick 008, (1984)
- Old Southern Medley, cite>Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
- Om Shanthi Norris, After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- On Doing An Evil Deed Blues, Blind Joe Death, Vol.
1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
The Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK
8901, (1996) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
(1994) Also Fonotone, 1184
- Oneonta, Railroad I, Takoma 7102,
(1983); Shanachie, (1992)
- On the Beach at Waikiki, Death Chants, Breakdowns &
Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1964/67)
- On the Banks of the Owchita, Dance of Death & Other
Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
- On the Death and Disembowelment of the New Age, City of
Refuge, Tim Kerr, (1997)
- On the Sunny Side of the Ocean, Transfiguration of
Blind Joe Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma
R-9015, (1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Also Fahey,
Kottke, Lang, Takoma TAK 1040,
(1974) Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also Live in
Tasmania, sonet 861, (1981); Takoma 72789,
(1981/87) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Orinda-Moraga, Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Our Lady of Sorrows, Azalea City, unissued
See The Voice of the Turtle,
America, Takoma, (1971)
- Our Puppet Selves, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones,
Thirsty Ear, (1997)
- Over the Hill Blues, Fonotone, 6707
Index Pa - Pz
- Pat Sullivan Blues, Fonotone, 6708
- Planaria, Womblife, Table of the
Elements, (1997)
- Po' Boy, Railroad I, Takoma 7102,
- Poor Boy Blues, Fonotone, 505
- Poor Boy Long Ways From Home, Blind Joe Death, Vol.
1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
The Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK
8901, (1996) Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977,
Takoma 7058, (1977)
- Poor Boy, Dance of Death & Other Plantation
Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
Also Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death,
Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015, (1973); Fantasy TAK
7015, (1997) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Portland Cement Factory at Monolith, California, The,
Days Have Gone By. Vol 6, Takoma C-1014,
(1967) Also God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, 97006 (1990)
Also The Return Of
The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Praise to the Lord, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 7085, (1980)
- Pretty Afternoon, Let Go, Varrick
008, (1984)
- Pretty Polly, Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?, unissued
- Prince George's Dance, Fahey/McLean, Fonotone?,
Index Ra - Rz
- Racemic Tartrate River Blues, Fonotone, 6149
- Raga Called Pat - Part One, A, Days Have Gone By. Vol
6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
Also The
Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Raga Called Pat - Part Two, A, Days Have Gone By. Vol
6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- Raga Called Pat - Part 3, The Voice of the
Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501,
- Raga Called Pat - Part 4, The Voice of the
Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501,
- Rain Forest, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Rainy Days Down Metzerott Road, Fonotone?, unissued
- Red Cross, Disciple of Christ Today (For Guitar Roberts), Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
- Red Pony, The, God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
Also The New Red
Pony,The Epiphany of Glenn Jones, Thirsty
Ear, (1997)
- Red Rocking Chair, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and
Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
- Remember, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
Also Remember,Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
- Requiem for John Hurt, Requia and Other Compositions
for Guitar Solo, Vanguard, (1968/77)
The Best of the Vanguard Years, Vanguard,
(1999) Also The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Requiem for Mississippi John Hurt, God, Time and
Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- Requiem for Molly, Part 1, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
- Requiem for Molly, Part 2, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
- Requiem for Molly, Part 3, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Requiem for Molly, Part 4, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Requiem for Russell Blaine Cooper, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Revelation, God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- Revelation on the Banks of the Pawtuxent, Dance of
Death & Other Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004, (1967)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Revolt of the Dyke Brigade, The, Days Have Gone By. Vol
6, Takoma C-1014, (1967)
Fahey, Kottke, Lang, Takoma TAK 1040,
(1974) Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Rudolph, The Rednosed Raindeer, Popular Songs of
Christmas and New Years, Varrick VR-012,
- Russian Christmas Overture, Christmas with John Fahey,
Vol. 2, Takoma C-1045, (1975)
The New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969) Song
Index Sa - Sz
- St. Clements, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- St. Louis Blues, Blind Joe Death, Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
Also The Legend of
Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK 8901,
(1996) Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also Fonotone, 1184
- St. Patrick's, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- St. Patrick's Hymn, cite>Transfiguration of Blind Joe
Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Also Rain Forests,
Oceans, & Other Themes, Varrick 019,
- Sail Away Ladies, John Fahey Guitar, Vol. 4,
Takoma C-1008, (1967)
- Saint John's Hornpipe, Fonotone?, unissued
- Samba de Orfco, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Santa Claus is Coming To Town, Popular Songs of
Christmas and New Years, Varrick VR-012,
- Sandy on Earth, God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- Santisima, The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Sea of Love, The, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Scherzo, The John Fahey Trio, One
Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Sharks, Womblife, Table of the
Elements, (1997)
- Siege of Sevastopol, The, The Dance of Death and Other
Plantation Favorites, Fantasy Reissue,
- Silver Bell, John Fahey Visits Washington DC,
Takoma 7069, (1979)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Silent Night, Holy Night, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
(1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Singing Bridge of Memphis, Tennessee, The, The Yellow
Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
The Best of the Vanguard Years, Vanguard,
(1999) Also The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- Skaters Waltz, The, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- Sligo River Blues, Blind Joe Death, Vol. 1,
Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
Also The
Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK 8901,
(1996) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Slouching Toward Jerusalem , The John Fahey
Trio, One Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Snowflakes, God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006, (1990)
- Some Summer Day, Death Chants, Breakdowns &
Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003,
Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
(1994) Also Some Summer Day No.2, Fonotone -
- Song, Of Rivers and Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
- Song #3, America, Fantasy TAK
8903, (1998)
- Song for Sara, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and
Other Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
- Son House, Georgia Stomps, Atlanta Struts, and Other
Contemporary Dance Favorites, Table of the
Elements, (1998)
- Spanish Carol, The John Fahey Christmas Album,
Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991)
- Spanish Dance, Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military
Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1964/67)
Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977, Takoma 7058,
- Spanish Two-Step, Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977,
Takoma 7058, (1977)
- Springtime in Azalea City, Azalea City, unissued
- Stak o'Lee Blues, Fonotone, 1185
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, Yes! Jesus Loves
Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
- Steamboat Gwine 'Round de Bend, Of Rivers and
Religion, Warner/Reprise, (1972)
God, Time and Causality, Shanachie 97006,
(1990) Also Live in Tasmania, Sonet
861, (1981); Takoma 72789, (1981/87) Also The Return Of
The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Steel Guitar Rag, I Remember Blind Joe Death,
Varrick 028, (1987)
Also The Dance of
Death and Other Plantation Favorites, Fantasy
Reissue, (1999)
- Steve Talbot on the Keddie Wye, Railroad I,
Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie, (1992)
- Stomping Tonight on the Pennsylvania-Alabama Border,
Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003, (1964/67)
Also Stomping Tonight on
the Pennsylvania - Alabama Border #2, Fonotone?, unissued
- Stone Poney, Fonotone, 6220
- Story of Dorothy Gooch, The, The Voice of the
Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501,
- Summer Cat By My Door, Railroad I, Takoma 7102, (1983); Shanachie, (1992)
Also The
Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Sun Gonna Shine in/on my Back Door Blues, Blind Joe
Death, Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002,
Also The Legend of Blind Joe Death,
Fantasy TAK 8901, (1996) Also The Return
Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737,
- Sunflower River Blues, Death Chants, Breakdowns &
Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003,
Also Fahey, Kottke, Lang, Takoma TAK 1040, (1974) Also Best of John Fahey,
1959-1977, Takoma 7058, (1977) Also
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Sunset on Prince George's County, Let Go, Varrick 008, (1984)
Index Ta - Tz
- Take A Look at that Baby, Death Chants, Breakdowns
& Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003,
Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977,
Takoma 7058, (1977)
- Take This Hammer, Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?,
- Takoma Park Pool Hall Blues, Fonotone 1157
- Tanaka Jun, Hitomi, LivHouse
70334, (2000)
- Tasmanian Two Step, Live in Tasmania, Sonet 861, (1981); Takoma 72789, (1981/87)
- Tell Her to Come Back Home, Transfiguration of Blind
Joe Death, Riverboat RB-1, (1965); Takoma R-9015,
(1973); Fantasy TAK 7015, (1997)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Texas and Pacific Blues, Of Rivers and Religion,
Warner/Reprise, (1972)
- Theme and Variations, Rain Forests, Oceans, & Other
Themes, Varrick 019, (1985)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Thing at the End of New Hampshire Avenue, The, Old
Girlfriends and Other Horrible Memories, Varrick
031, (1992)
- Things Fall Apart, The John Fahey Trio, One Hit Records 0002, (1998)
- Thus Krisna on the Battlefield, Fare Forward
Voyagers, Takoma C1030, (1973); Shanachie
- Tiger, Live in Tasmania, Sonet
861, (1981); Takoma 72789, (1981/87)
- Tina In The Rain, The John Fahey Trio, One Hit Records, 0002 (1998)
AKA My Mentor Blind
Joe Death
- Tom Rushin Blues, Fonotone, 632
- Train, The Voice of the Turtle, Takoma C1010, (1968); Fantasy TAK 6501, (1996)
- Transcendental Waterfall, The, Blind Joe Death, Vol.
1, Takoma C-1002, (1967)
Also The
Legend of Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK 8901,
(1996) Also Fonotone 1157
- Tulip, The Dance of Death and Other Plantation
Favorites, Fantasy Reissue, (1999)
After the Ball, When You Wore a Tulip, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- Tuff, The Epiphany of Glenn Jones, Thirsty Ear, 1997
- Twilight on Prince George's Avenue, Old Girlfriends and
Other Horrible Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Twilight Time, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
The Return Of The Repressed:Anthology, Rhino
R2 71737, (1994)
- Two American Folk Hymns, Yes! Jesus Loves Me,
Takoma, (1980)
Also Azalea City,
unissued Song
Index Ua - Uz
- Uncloudy Day, Blind Joe Death, Vol. 1, Takoma C-1002, (1959/64/67)
Also The Legend of
Blind Joe Death, Fantasy TAK 8901, (1996)
- Union Pacific, Fingerstyle & Slide Guitar in Open
Tunings, CD Audio Lesson, Stefan Grossman's Guitar
Workshop, (2000)
- Unknown Tango, I Remember Blind Joe Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
- Untitled w/Rain, Red Cross, Revenant, (2003)
Index Va - Vz
- Variations on the Coocoo, Dance of Death & Other
Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
- View (East from the top of the Riggs Road/B & O Trestle),
The Yellow Princess, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- View, Old Girlfriends and Other Horrible
Memories, Varrick 031, (1992)
- Voice of the Turtle, The, America, Takoma C1030, (1971); Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
Index Wa - Wz
- Walking In A Winter Wonderland, Popular Songs of
Christmas and New Years, Varrick VR-012,
- Waltzing Matilda, Live in Tasmania, Sonet 861, (1981); Takoma 72789, (1981/87)
- Waltz That Carried Us Away and Then a Mosquito Came and Ate Up My
Sweetheart, The, America, Takoma C1030,
(1971); Fantasy TAK 8903, (1998)
- Waltz You Saved For Me, The, Popular Songs of Christmas
and New Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
- Wanda Russell's Blues, Fonotone, 610
- Warden Blues, Fahey/Vandiver, Fonotone?, unissued
- Weissman Blues, Fonotone, 6148
- We Three Kings Of Orient Are, Christmas Guitar, Vol.
1, Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
(1969) Also The John Fahey Christmas Album, Takoma 1045, (1975); Burnside 0004, (1991) Also
Popular Songs of Christmas and New Years, Varrick 012, (1983)
- We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Popular Songs of
Christmas and New Years, Varrick VR-012
- We Would Be Building, Days Have Gone By. Vol 6,
Takoma C-1014, (1967)
- What Child is This, Christmas Guitar, Vol. 1,
Varrick 002, (1982)
Also The New
Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma,
- What the Sun Said, Dance of Death & Other
Plantation Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
- When the Catfish is in Bloom, Requia and Other
Compositions for Guitar Solo, Vanguard,
Also The Best of the Vanguard Years,
Vanguard, (1999) Also The Essential John
Fahey, Vanguard, (1974/97)
- When the Fire and the Rose are One, Fare Forward
Voyagers, Takoma C1030, (1973); Shanachie
- When the Springtime Comes Again, Death Chants,
Breakdowns & Military Waltzes, Takoma C-1003,
Also Best of John Fahey, 1959-1977,
Takoma 7058, (1977)
- When You Wore a Tulip (and I wore a big red rose),
After the Ball, Warner/Reprise, (1973)
- White Christmas, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick VR-012, (1983)
The New Possibility, John Fahey's Soli Christmas, Takoma, (1969) Also Christmas with John Fahey,
Vol.2, Takoma
- Will the Circle Be Unbroken, John Fahey Guitar, Vol.
4, Takoma C-1008, (1967)
- Wild Western Hero, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 7085, (1980)
- Wine and Roses, Dance of Death & Other Plantation
Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004, (1967)
- Winter Wonderland, Popular Songs of Christmas and New
Years, Varrick 012, (1983)
- Wissen Schaetlich River Blues Part 1 & 2,
Fonotone, 634
- World is Waiting for the Sunrise, The, Let Go,
Varrick 008, (1984)
Also Rain Forests,
Oceans, & Other Themes, Varrick 019,
- Worried Blues, Dance of Death & Other Plantation
Favorites, Vol 3., Takoma C-1004,
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
Index Y
- Yazoo Blues, Fonotone?, unissued
- Yellow Princess, The, The Yellow Princess, Vanguard, (1969/90)
Also The Best of the
Vanguard Years, Vanguard, (1999) Also
The Essential John Fahey, Vanguard,
(1974/97) Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- Yes, Jesus Loves Me, Yes! Jesus Loves Me, Takoma 72820, (1980)
Also The Return Of The
Repressed:Anthology, Rhino R2 71737, (1994)
- You Can't Cool Off in the Mill Pond, You Can Only Die,
The Mill Pond, Little Brother 009,
- You Gonna Miss Me, Fonotone, 632
- You Gonna Need Someone on Your Bond, Fonotone,
- You'll Find Her Name Written There, I Remember Blind
Joe Death, Varrick 028, (1987)
Index Z
- Zekian Swamp Blues, Fonotone, 636
Title Changes in the Works of John Fahey
- The Red Pony - Wine and Roses - The Approaching of the Disco Void
- William F. Buckley - Horses - Atlantic High
- Banjo Street - Who Will Rock the Cradle? - Red Rocking Chair
- Beverley - Indian Pacific RR Blues
- Worried Blues - Enigmas and Perplexities of the Norfolk and Western - Evening Not Night - Chelsey Silver, Please Come Home - Discarded - St Vitus Dance
- Dalhart Texas, 1967 - The Grand Finale
- The Fahey Sampler - Mark 1:15
- When the Catfish is in Bloom - Fare Forward Voyagers
- Hawaiian Two-Step - Spanish Two-Step
- Rainforest - Juana
- Lion - Tiger
- Maggie Campbell Blues - Delta Dog Through the Book of Revelations
- When the Springtime Comes Again - Mark 1:15
- Old Southern Medley - The Discovery of the Sylvia Scott
- The Voice of the Turtle - Our Lady of Sorrows
- Poor Boy - Over the Hill Blues
- Pat Sullivan Blues - Poor Boy Long Ways from Home - Poor Boy Blues - Steve Talbot on the Keddie Wye
- Requiem for Mississippi John Hurt - Funeral Song for John Hurt
- The Revolt of the Dyke Brigade - The Return of the Tasmanian Tiger
- Special Rider Blues - What the Sun Said - The Thing at the End of New Hampshire Avenue
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